Where is… Berlin’s autumn?

Summer comes to an end in Germany when you can hear the laughter and the noise from the Oktoberfest in Munich in every corner. In late September and early October, known by the Germans as “Altweibersommer” (Indian summer) season, tourists return to their respective countries and local people go back to their daily routines. This is the perfect time to enjoy BerlinContinue reading “Where is… Berlin’s autumn?”

Where is… the best breakfast in Berlin?

Good morning GatRoomer! A great and cosy breakfast is waiting for you at Gat Point Charlie Hotel. We already know you will like to find seasonal products, our handmade products and local food as well.

We love you as we love our handmade cakes and pastries: Carrot and chocolate cakes, chocolate cookies, apple pie … we do it all at Gat Rooms!

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Spanish films shown at the Berlin Spanisches Filmfest

Now in it’s fourth edition, the Spanisches Filmfest Berlin has established itself as one of the main events in the German capital’s cultural calendar. From 6th to 11th October, Spanish-speaking films will be shown with the aim of creating spaces for intercultural dialogue and promoting art in the city.

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Music illustrated across 15 canvasses

What do Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody and Michelangelo’s Pietà sculpture have in common? On 16th September at Gat Point Charlie, the illustrator and designer Sonia Camacho presented her collection of 15 visual metaphors depicting various musical landmarks in watercolour and acrylic.

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Berlin through the eyes of nine Instagramers… #TheGatExperience in a post

4 days and 9 Instagramers. This has been #TheGatExperience. A new vision of Berlin and of GatRooms. Here you have some of the pictures that @aenede, @msubirats, @nicanorgarcia, @franvat, @lluisillo.photo, @roldixbcn, @olgavimo, @jeplluis and @sil8 have shared with us. Take a look!

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