A game of (de)construction – Art Exhibition

We are glad to present the latest art exhibition at Gat Rossio Hotel called ‘A game of deconstruction’, a series of collages by the artist Marco Laborda.

 “I like to think these collages convey the complexity of the human being. The edges, the emptiness and the constant movement we experience. We live in a state of constant alteration, which I feel inside me. Today I am not the same as yesterday, I am evolving and I am involutive in other cases” explains the author.

Laborda combines his work as creative director of Neurads with projects such as ‘Altered’, the design of the posters of the joint tour of the poet Elvira Sastre and singer Andrés Suárez or the editorial for the Neo2 magazine entitled “Down the Rabbit Hole”.

Cutting and pasting living elements, Marco has managed to produce striking stories. “The collage contains this peculiarity: you can play with the faces and modify them. I like to create incomplete figures, under construction”. This reflection has given birth to the present exhibition. “In a world with a lot of noise and distractions, art allows me to be alone, just by cutting photographs and playing with them”. Now is the time to share them.

The inauguration will take place on September 13 at 7:00 p.m. at the Hotel Gat Rossio (R. do Jardim do Regedor 27) and it will be followed by the vernissage cocktail.

The exhibition will remain in the heart of the Portuguese capital for three months.

Download the Press Release: EXPO MARCO

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