“Bahia Brasil Quotidiano” Sinisia Coni & Armando Cr

Sinisia Coni and Amando CR are a Brazilian couple, newcomers to Lisbon who share a common passion for everyday photography.They capture the moment, the emotion, the spirit … a movement in every moment that is captured in an image.

Their images transport the observer to place where they feel present; they transmit emotions and manage to steal a smile from whoever is watching. Their pieces will be exhibited at Hotel Gat Rossio from the 25th of February until the 13th of April 2016.



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“Mimesis” by Mireille Ripoll

Mireille Ripoll etches and plays around with a single matrix, until it surrenders – in both the literal and figurative senses, letting forms emerge as they emerge, like automatic writing, without thinking, in an organic, instinctive way.

Her current project is composed of monotypes, portraits of the other artists who have been at GlogauAIR during her residency. The pieces are developed through a variety of processes, depicting a personal impression of the portrayed artists.

She will be exhibiting at Hotel Gat Point Charlie from the 20th of January to the 3rd of March 2016.


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The Gat Experience

4 days, 9 instagramers.
This has been #TheGatExperience.
A new vision of Berlin and GatRooms.
Find here some of the pictures that @aenade,
@msubirats, @nicanorgarcia, @franvat, @lluisillo.photo, @roldixbcn, @olgavimo, @jeplluis and @sil8 have shared with us. From the 30th of July to the 2nd of August 2015.


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Berlin Berlin Berlin Photo Contest

Organized by Gat Rooms to support new photography talents.
The competition was framed within the project berlin berlin berlin, 3 visions 1 city, a collective exhibition that took place in between the Hotel Gat Point Charlie and the Spanish Embassy in Berlin.
The 3 categories corresponded with the 3 views that anyone can have about the city of Berlin: the #gatberliner, the #gattraveller & the #gatgreeted
The award ceremony took place at the Hotel Gat Point Charlie on the 22nd of April 2015


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Berlin Berlin Berlin: 3 visions 1 city Exhibition

The exhibition took Berlin as a starting point to reflect the process of discovering a city from the perspective of the one that arrive from abroad. This experience was structured in three modules – The arrival, The glances and The myth & the sleep, distributed in 23 works of different artists, Berliners and not Berliners.
From the 20th of April to the 29th of May of 2015 at the Embassy of Spain in Berlin (exhibition) and at the Hotel Gat Point Charlie (installation)


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“Forat” by Adriá Izaguirre

Adrià (1985) studied both graphic design and sculpture. After working for some years as an art director in Barcelona for adventising agencies, he moved to Berlin where he focused his attention in illustration and tattooing. His mix of disciplines can be found in the pursuit of balance between simple lines and volumes filled with textures, trademark of his work, which displays an interesting two-sided influence flavored with some recognizable elements of Surrealism and Medieval religious Art. At the Gat Point Charlie from February to April 2015.

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